18pm Europen time
20pm Georgien time
19.08. - Opening Ceremony: setting our Intention - Full Moon
26.08. - Muladhara Chakra – Root
02.09. - Svadhishtana Chakra – Sacral
09.09. - Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus
16.09. - Anahata Chakra – Heart
23.09. - Vishudda Chakra - Throat
2 weeks break
14.10. - Ajna Chakra – Third Eye
21.10. - Sahasrara – Crown of Head
28.10. - Closing Ceremony – Integration
Tantric Kundalini Dance
9 Meetings of:
1 Opening - 7 Chakras - 1 Closing
Kundalini Dance (one Chakra per session)
Chakra Theory
Learn about the Tantric Path
Over the course, you will develop a profound understanding of the energetic dynamics of your chakras. Utilizing the potent practice of visualization, rooted in the tradition of Tantra, we will systematically purify each chakra.
The Kundalini Dance, a sacred practice, becomes a gateway to accessing your Shakti Power.
This transformative journey serves as a potent means of connecting with both your physical self and your energetic body.
Over 9 weeks, we will dive into a chakra journey together. We will start from our roots, finding our way up to the crown.
You will explore different Pranayama techniques and asanas to balance your chakra. In Kundalini Dance, you will purify and recharge your chakras with the divine energy of Mother Earth and the cosmic energy of Father Sky. It is a powerful practice. In tantra, we work a lot with visualization—where our attention goes, our energy flows.
We have the power to create our own inner world. On this journey, you are invited to open up to your own power. Somatic wisdom supports us in changing and embodying what we want to embody. Each chakra has its own qualities and characteristics, and learning can help us understand ourselves better.
Connecting to our subtle energy body is the way of the tantric path. If we learn to be aware of our energies, we will start to learn to move this energy inside of us. If you want to deepen your spiritual and tantric path, this workshop will support you in this.